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Ryan Rues Lost Chance

Saturday’s game was certainly one of the strangest in John Ryan’s long and distinguished career. He had hardly switched on to playing a game when Fred Davis had his moment of madness. That meant that somebody had to give way and unfortunately for Ryan, it was him.

Ryan as usual thinking on his feet ran to the referee and said “Ref will you give us time to make a substitution before the penalty”? “You can have all the time you wish” said the referee to a stunned Ryan. It wasn’t until he turned round and saw the number nine being raised that he saw the funny side.</>

“It was definitely one of the weirdest games I have been involved in, I hadn’t even touched the ball when the penalty was given!! Really you are punished twice when you lose your goalkeeper because you lose your keeper and you have to sacrifice one of your outfield players to get your substitute keeper on.”

Ryan expressed his disappointment at his brief participation in the game but could see the reasoning behind Dermot Keely’s decision. “Although I was disappointed to be taken off so early I totally understood Dermot’s decision, it had to be one of the strikers and I suppose Philly would have the legs to do a bit more running than me!!.”

Ryan can’t believe that Kildare again found themselves on the losing side despite having the majority of the possession. “It was a strange game the whole way through, even when we went down to 10 men and even to 9 men I thought we were having the better of the game. It was always going to be hard to get back into the game after the start we had but I thought the lads did brilliantly, every one of them ran their hearts out. I thought Shay Zeller in particular did well, especially after Keith’s sending off when he was left up front on his own.”

Despite these setbacks John is confident that it won’t be long before Kildare turn the corner and get back to winning ways. “We don’t seem to be getting any breaks at the moment, every ball seems to bouncing the wrong way for us, but it can’t continue to go on like this, we are playing well and working hard so if we continue to do this our luck is bound to change.”


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